Portrait Project (On time!)

Well look at that! I’m finally back on track with 2017’s Portrait Project! It only took half the year. šŸ˜‰

Eloise: I love this photo so much, because as I was taking it, I got a little teary over your completely innocent and utter excitement about winning “1st place as the most sparkly witch”, in your dear friend’s Halloween party costume contest. You were joyful, your dear friends were so excited for you (even though they all won “1st prize” too in their respective costume categories).Ā  šŸ˜‰ Moments like this make me truly believe in the path we are taking with your schooling. This home schooling community we are so lucky to be a part of and the friends we have all made are truly magical.

“A photo of Ellie, once a week, every week in 2017”

Home school Club this Autumn

We’ve been meeting every week since our bridging ceremony and continuing on with our nature studies as a small group. The girls all go to a wonderful art class for a couple hours and then we all meet up at a park and Teacher Summer (that’s me) falls in line to facilitate our weekly lesson.
We’ve talked about “seeds” and “seed dispersal”, “apples”, “leaves”, and the changing season. We even tried to go apple picking up north as a group, but alas, we were too late and apple picking had been bumped for pumpkins. We are still using Lynn Seddon’s amazing nature curriculum, Exploring Nature With Children as well as adding in all sorts of other materials I have discovered along the way.


Bridging to Kindergarten

I can’t believe I haven’t posted about our home school bridging ceremony yet… this happened at the end of August. We had a little ceremony for the little home school nature group I host every week. I printed out posters of the work we did over the summer, so they could revisit everything. I set up a little bridge for the girls with flowers and I said a little bridging poem I made up for each of them as they walked across from preschool to kinder. They also got several badges I made for the summer work they did. The other moms brought a beautiful tea party for us to enjoy afterward. It was a really nice morning and a perfect beginning to our fall semester!

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Portrait Project Catch-up

I’ve been taking them…. I just can’t seem to find the time to post them. Here we are almost 5 weeks behind again…

Eloise: You started your first official year of Home school Kindergarten in September. We’re taking it slow and allowing for lots of play and exploration of your interests as well as throwing in a bit of those “academics” too. I’m excited for this journey, however long and fruitful it may be.

Eloise: Hair flying all over, glasses on because your friends are wearing theirs too, milk mustache and always in mid-sentence. Perfect Ellie portrait.

Eloise: Your Aunt Katie is getting married and I captured this great shot of you at the rehearsal. You are very excited to be the flower girl and I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle throwing those petals.

(Unfortunately I wasn’t able to capture any photos myself of Ellie walking down the aisle, so this photo is courtesy of my cousin, Laura Shine- thank you!)
Eloise : You did a wonderful job walking down the aisle, as the flower girl in your Aunt Katie and Uncle Nick’s wedding! You loved playing the part of the “flower fairy girl”!

Eloise: We headed up the coast this past weekend to go apple picking this year. However, it was sadly too late to pick apples, so we enjoyed the hay maze, horse rides, tractor rides and fun with friends instead- and brought home a pumpkin too.