
This weekend was filled with fun and good food. Jeff tried a new multigrain bread recipe from a magazine we discovered a few weeks ago called COOKS Illustrated.


My cooking endeavours this weekend were a little less work but boy was it yummy. After finding this recipe on ones of my favorite blogs, I decided to try popping my own popcorn and making the basil parm drizzle with my own garden basil. It was very fun and a great weekend treat! 

And one last thing I had to share, something that really excites me, almost like its a piece of art I put together every Sunday…. my refrigerator. I absolutely love to come home, cloth bags full of veggies and fruit from the farmers market, meat and cheese, glass containers of milk…. and fill up my refrigerator just right. My husband knows to stay out of the kitchen when I am “arranging the food.” Yes, it sounds a little nuts and a little OCD, but it makes me feel good to see the bounty of what will be turned into next weeks breakfasts, lunches and dinners.




Picked my first Persian Cucumber.Enjoyed a yummy dinner of Heirloom Beans, ground turkey, peas, eggs and croutons made from Jeff’s homemade bread. We used this recipe substituting frozen peas for the broccoli. And enjoyed our fantastic meal under the light of moon glow. Spent some time working on doggie training… specifically recall. Enjoyed the warm weather at the Antique Market where Jeff finally found a straight razor. As well as visited our favorite Sunday spot- The Farmers Market, for fresh beans, berries and other goodies.

Our Farmers market Loot! (Yes, we came out of there with ANOTHER plant. This time a blueberry bush to round out our berry collection). My antique market find- a lovely little teapot I had my eyes on for months. It was still there so I finally grabbed it up and made it mine. I also grabbed up the matching salt and pepper shakers too. I love the little farm depiction with the family working in their garden. Jeff ended the weekend by making two fabulous loaves of bread, recipe from Whole Foods For The Whole Family, a cookbook my mom used all the time.

A wonderful way to end the weekend. Warm bread, two tired puppy dogs, laundry folded and put away and the welcoming arms of one fantastic husband.

Happy Sunday!

A Birthday Blanket

It took me quite a few months to finally finish it, but I completed Jeff’s birthday blanket (his birthday was in May) while I was on vacation  last week. It was a mish mash of scrap fabrics (you may notice some Anna Maria Horner and Aunt June fabrics) and I did not do much measuring… I just threw it together as best I could, but it came out pretty nice. Even Miss Charlotte our French Bulldog decided the blanket was comfy. Of course she decides to lay down right as I’m trying to pin the blanket. With my novice sewing skills, I made a few major mistakes, one being I didn’t have enough muslin to cover the back, so I had to sew on some scrap chenille to finish the back off. The last stitches on the machine ended badly as well, when the needle got stuck in the mass of fabric and batting and lo and behold, I broke that needle right in half, right before I finished sewing the edges. So, here I am hand-sewing the rest of it.

The blanket came out very lovely and the belated birthday boy seemed content  to finally enjoy his hand made present.

Visitors in the Garden

A few days ago I went out and bought a container of praying mantis for my balcony garden. I was having trouble with aphids and the lady bugs just wouldn’t stay around long enough to eat them all up. I had some luck with the praying mantis at the school I teach at so I thought I would bring some into my own garden.

They are fascinating little creatures to watch and when they are so tiny, very easy to hold in your hands (perfect for a preschool teacher who is not too fond of bugs). So the other day I welcomed them into my garden and they went to work munching on those darn aphids. They seemed very content to pose for pictures as well.

This beautiful, sunny California Fourth of July I will be tending to my garden (and mantids), enjoying some Cinnamon Breakfast Popovers from Janice Cole’s Chicken and Egg cookbook, and hopefully working on my husbands long overdue birthday quilt.

Happy Gardening and Happy Fourth of July!