Portrait Project


naked baby

eloise: you are all of a sudden moving! Scooting and kind of crawling and just getting places. You haven’t quite mastered the art of synchronizing those hands and knees to get a real crawl going, but boy that scoot and drag you have going on is certainly getting you places. You resemble an inch worm, inching along at a pretty good pace. We are definitely putting baby gates in the budget for next month. 

*joining Jodi for the lovely 52 project!

My favorites from last week are blue eyed Jessica, the fact that there are new babies being born throughout this project and how can you resist a child and their books.

Another Softie and A Spring Walk

I couldn’t help myself. I had more chenille and more fabric I was dying to dip into. So I made another Easter animal. This time, an Easter Bear. I could have given this one away but I fell in love with it. So, I’m keeping it for Ellie. I fear by the time I am done, she will have a whole zoo of softie animals.

softie bear face

softie bear

Besides making softie animals, I’ve been walking a lot. The weather has been beautiful and we are trying to take advantage. Ellie and I took a walk around the neighborhood today and I’m so glad I brought my camera because the flowers were out in full bloom.



california poppy

bees liked this

in between weeds

pretty colors

peach blossom


The bees were buzzing, the birds were chirping. The colors of the flowers all around us throughout the neighborhood were mesmerizing. It truly feels like spring is here. And I’m loving it! I think I’ll go make another spring time softie…

Baby Food Fun

getting ready

So baby food. Just when I was feeling like I was mastering the whole breast-feeding thing, Ellie starts reaching for food, sitting up unassisted and losing that tongue thrust. All tell-tale signs she’s probably ready for solids. We are starting a bit later than others but I wanted to follow her lead and make sure I wasn’t pushing anything on her that she, or I wasn’t ready for. But, let me tell you. Making baby food is a daunting task. I wanted to do more of a baby-led weaning approach, but I am not so confident or comfortable with giving her chunks of food just yet, so I’m opting to begin with some purees and then go from there. I’ve been pretty much grinding food that Jeff and I are having for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a food mill and offering that to her a couple times a day in between nursing sessions. She’s had sweet potato, bananas, squash, applesauce, broccoli, pears, peas, avocado and carrots. She’s surprisingly a bigger fan of the veggies. This weekend I boiled yellow and pink beets and then pureed them in the food processor. She really enjoyed the beets!

* the deliciously adorable bib is courtesy of this lovely lady! Find her darling hand-made’s here!


beets on hand

beets oh!



A Handmade Bunny

bunny front


bunny tail

bunny by the books

I can’t help myself. I know it’s not Easter yet but I just had to share what I made for Ellie. We didn’t quite budget enough for the bunny I had my eyes on for Ellie’s first Easter basket (we realized Easter landed in March this year a little too late). I started pouting and throwing an “I hate budgets” tantrum when I came across another bunny I adored on Etsy. This time though, I thought I could probably make it myself. So I found some leftover chenille from Jeff’s quilt and some spring-timeish fabric and whipped up Ellie’s very own completely hand sewn Easter bunny. Another product of those long nursing sessions and napping in my arms that’s been happening lately. I was so impressed with myself I forgot all about wanting to buy her a bunny. I’m itchin’ to make more- so I’ve already started a new little softie with the rest of the chenille… who knows, maybe I’ll be selling on Etsy someday soon.

 a new little guy




picking veggies


chewing on a potato


lindsey plays guitar


a chef in the kitchen


just hanging


a beach walk


happy dogs


breakfast shepherds pie


the art show


cory's quilts


summer meets cory


beautiful day


new windchime


the loot


It felt more like the beginning of summer than spring this weekend! The weather was glorious and we had a beautiful weekend with family. Jeff’s sister flew in from Boston on Friday so Saturday was spent preparing a nice, early dinner for Jeff’s family. We went to the farmers market in the morning, bought ourselves some succulents for the house (I’ve been wanting more house plants), and did our usual produce shopping. Ellie enjoyed chewing on a potato she snatched from Jeff. Jeff made the most delicious shepherd’s pie for his family, even adding in a few parsnips from our own garden (yay!). We took a dog walk along the beach to end the evening. Sunday we started off with Jeff’s shepherd’s pie for breakfast (we jazzed it up with a fried egg and some avocado) and then we headed off with my folks down to meet Jeff’s folks in Santa Barbara (Jeff’s parents are leaving for a short trip to San Francisco tomorrow and then heading back to Boston on Friday). We stopped off at the Santa Barbara Art Show to see a wonderful quilter and blogging friend, Cory. It was exciting to finally meet someone I had been following for awhile now and she was just so sweet!! Her quilts and quilty things were beautiful and inspiring! I wanted to buy everything she had but this time around walked away with an adorable sewing needle book and an adorable bib for Ellie. Check out her beautiful things here! At the art show, we also bought some long awaited wind chimes. I’ve been wanting some for the front porch since we moved in and Jeff bought himself a handmade beer stein, of course. It was a really lovely weekend. I’m happily exhausted. How was your weekend?

Happy Spring!

spring 2013


Happy Spring! (Sorry I’m posting this so late. My mom’s birthday yesterday and my Mother-in-law’s today, plus a seven month old baby makes blogging regularly sometimes difficult. But better late than never). I thought I would start a new season with a list. A list of things I’d like to get done, accomplish, work on etc. I was inspired by this lady who does it on a monthly basis, but I didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on myself. These days we go with the flow and try not to get discouraged if things in life get to crazy or messy. But, lists are always good to help one get on track and help in creating routine and rhythm, so I thought I would start today. The first day of spring. How about you? What’s on your spring list?

Just Write: Following In Her Footsteps

Today is my mother’s birthday. Fifty-seven years ago my grandmother gave birth to her. These days I think about birthday’s a little differently. After going through labor and birth myself this past year, birthdays take on a new meaning for me. And this birthday is extra special because it’s my Mom’s. My Mom is a reading specialist at a local elementary school. She loves her job and you would have thought that she had been doing it for years upon years when you see how fantastic she is with the children. But, she’s rather new to the whole teaching scene. Before teaching she stayed at home with us. She stayed at home for over eighteen years, raising four children into adulthood. I asked her the other day if she regretted staying home with us. If she ever pined for time away, in an office or doing something other than changing diapers and making playdoh? She told me that raising her four kids was the best career choice she ever made. She wanted to be there for every milestone – every tear and every laugh and every smile. She explained that of course it was difficult to only live off of one income and she tried her best to bring in money here and there when she could (like selling Avon and taking in other people’s children). But she brought us into the world and she wanted to be the one to care for us throughout our days and years. She didn’t want to miss a second of watching and guiding her children’s growth. And she didn’t.

When I was growing up I wanted to be a veternarian and then a director and then a speech pathologist. I didn’t want to stay home with kids. The media and the mainstream made staying home seem weak. Women had to do it all and so I would. As luck would have it however, I ended up working at a childcare center during my college years. I loved it. I loved working with the children and I decided to pursue a career in caring for children. Other people’s children. I became so passionate about caring for children I ended up getting a masters degree in early childhood education. But, throughout all of this education and experience working with children, I began to realize something. Something bigger than anything I had ever felt before. I would call my Mom regularly after my classes and tell her “we just learned about such and such and it reminded me of what you used to do when we were kids.” I would call her after work some days and tell her, “I used your playdoh recipe today” or “I told the kids that story you always used to tell us about the cats and they laughed so hard some of them cried.” I was slowly realizing what I really wanted to do with my life. I realized the importance of being present with children and being gentle with children. I realized how much a parent could miss when they weren’t there. I was there for many firsts in other people’s children’s lives and I knew that I didn’t want that for my own children. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be like my mother, and stay home.

I gave birth to my first baby last year. I quit my job and have started my next career- full time stay-at-home mom. It’s tougher than I expected it would be but it’s also so much more than I thought it would be. I realize being home with my daughter that you don’t have to do it all, the career and motherhood. At least I don’t. It’s hard enough being a mother and watching these baby years just fly by without having to worry about a job getting in the way. I am a stay-at-home mother and I’m enjoying the wonderful times and the rough times.  I’m not sure how my own mother pulled it off with so much patience and grace, but I’m finding my way. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on a career outside the home. I find times to be creative. I find times to be me. But I’m also doing what I think is best for my daughter. I get to be there for everything. I love that. Some may say I’ve followed in my mother’s footsteps. And I like that. Because I think that, yes, I hope I’m following in her footsteps. She was and still is an incredible mother … and just like she knew,  I know, I’m right where I should be…home.

Happy Birthday Mom.

happy birthday mom

*joining Heather for another edition of Just Write.