


farmers market carrots

which veggie

chai morning


M's gift


balloon land

spring bday

tambourine gal

shake shake

drum beat




bunny baby

family shot

bye bye balloon


nana bye bye



What a glorious weekend we had. Saturday began with a trip to the farmers market. These trips used to be quick, but now are whole morning events, discovering the world around us a few toddler steps at a time. After nap we headed out to Los Angeles for a very special birthday party. (And yes that was a Cory creation on top of that birthday present). We all had such a wonderful time and Ellie especially enjoyed herself. All the balloons, the music, the petting zoo and Gramma and a slew of other relatives we hadn’t seen in a long while. It was a magical day for this little one.
Sunday we spent the day with Nana and Papa before they headed off to the airport back home to Boston. It was a wonderful afternoon spent with them and a fabulous two months of them visiting. We’ll miss them immensely (but we’ll get to see them this summer when they return for a couple of weeks).

* Weekending with Amanda!

Portrait Project


this kid

eloise: ball. Your new favorite thing to say. You roll that L sound around in your mouth seconds after you’ve said the word. As you say it, you sign it proudly too. And don’t get me started on your love for chairs these days. Anywhere we go, you want to try out the chairs. I tell you the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and you smile this silly grin whenever I get to the part about the chairs. The one you are sitting in in this picture… why it looks like it fits you .. just right.

-joining Jodi and 2014’s 52 project.

{this moment}

“A single photo. No words. Capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.”

-joining soulemama.

friday photo

…and doing my part to buy local and from small business…

*butterfly top by LadyCordeliaDesigns
*glitter gold hair-clip by KatePederson Design

Spring Making

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve really blogged. I fear I’m in a blogging lull as well as having a hard time these days fitting any kind of blogging in. My very busy toddler who dislikes sleep is part of the blogging lull culprit. Wanting to create and paint and read and play is the other culprit. I finally got my act together this week to take a few photos of what I’ve been making in the home and I thought I’d share (and hopefully I’ll be back to regular blogging soon).

I’ve been working on new felt characters for Ellie’s felt board. Like any young child, she is enjoying Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar. And I thought it very appropriate for spring-time to make her, her very own felt board set to go along with the book. It’s a bit slow going (as you can see I’ve only made it half way through the fruits) but I’m hoping in a week or so I can finish them up for her.
hungry caterpilar

on the board

I have also been debating how to set up a “spring table” for Ellie. I love the concepts and philosophy of Waldorf and when I taught preschool even incorporated some Waldorf philosophy into my classroom. One such thing was the nature table. I always try to have a basket of nature items Ellie has collected on her walks for her to explore at her leisure but I really loved the whimsical nature of having a playspace for spring time. Something that helps a child understand the colors and the development and the magic of the season. Since Ellie is still so young, I wanted to keep it simple. She’s very much enjoying periods of independent play with the little Ostheimer animals we got her for Christmas and so I bought some bunnies and a goose for her Easter basket (for this photo shoot, I brought out the bunnies and goose but shhh! Ellie won’t see them till Easter). So with those wooden animals in mind, I went to work on a fabric playscape for her table. Something she can move around if need be. I used wool felt and batik fabrics and created a lake, grass, a little bunny cave and some stepping-stones. It was a joy to make and she is using it now with the animals she has already. I think I’m going to have to make one for each season!
spring playscape

playscape with animlas

stepping stone bunny






the whole shabang

play time

the cave

horse play


-joining in with our Making part of Making + Listening with Dawn.


This weekend we had Jeff’s sister and her husband come visit from Philly.
A nice evening at the local brewery with the whole family.
Then they were off the next day for a brewery tour up the coast while Ellie and I stayed behind and visited with my parents.
I got lots of crafting finished while Ellie played with Gramma and Grandpa (more about the crafting later).
Sunday, a bbq with both families. Lots of good food and good company.
A very quick weekend and a very quick visit with Auntie Merri and Uncle Bill!


dinner out!


spring table

auntie merri


nana and merri


-joining Amanda over at The Habit!

Portrait Project


“A portrait of Eloise, once a week, every week, in 2014”

the top

eloise: there are bleachers in the park by our home. You have worked your way from walking along the bottom bleacher holding my hand, to walking along on your own to trying to climb to the next one up (and not making it) to, just this week, climbing up to the very tippy top all on your own (and with butterfly wings on). You weren’t scared. You didn’t ask me for help. You got up there, sat with your back against the fence and gave me the proudest look I had ever seen on a 19 month old’s face. You beautiful, determined child.

-joining jodi for this year’s 52 project!

A Little This, A Little That (and a whole lotta birthday)

This week we celebrated my Mom’s birthday and Jeff’s Mom’s birthday. They are a day apart! There will be much more celebrating I’m sure this weekend as well for my SIL and her husband will be flying in to stay. Ellie and I had been working hard on some special pieces of art for both of them (sadly, I didn’t get a chance to photograph the piece I did for Nana).

ellie paints for gparents

Ellie is now telling me which color paint she wants and where she wants me to place the glob of paint. I love it that she already is directing so much of the art process.

rainbow art

rainbows haning

We’ve been playing a lot with Ellie’s wooden rainbow toy and while she was painting she pointed to her rainbow toy on the table. I’m thinking these works of art have a very rainbow quality to them, don’t you think? Since Ellie is enjoying painting so much these days we are thinking of getting her an easel some time soon. Any recommendations for one that will grow with her welcome!

my painting

My painting for my Mom. A spring wreath. Lot’s of pink with a handmade quilt tucked in the middle. I thought it would be a nice addition to her sewing room.

the product

I also got some Happy Mail this week!! Nothing makes you feel better than happy mail!
happy mail

After Cory announced her sale in her Etsy shop on her blog, I had to snatch up that butterfly dress I had my eyes on for weeks for Ellie. She is so speedy that the package arrived the very next day (and with an adorable bib to boot)! Thank you Cory!

I also received the most lovely of Thank you notes from a friend from up north. Not only does she send a Thank you card but chocolate for me, special tea and stickers for Ellie! Plus, she jazzes up her envelopes with meditations and quotes to pass on her joy and peaceful ways. Thank you Lizzie! You made my day!

Besides birthdays and happy mail, we had a bit of a tough evening the other night when Ellie got into what we think were the dry prickles of an asparagus fern. Her poor little bare feet were covered in prickles and a very late evening was spent picking them out one by one with tweezers. Not a very fun night. Not a very happy toddler and a very tired Mama and Dada. After a trip to the doctor however (to make sure the prickles or splinters were all out of her feet and not getting infected) and a couple soakings in the tub, she seems to be doing just fine. No more barefoot butterfly girls around here.

little fairy


A busy weekend
Sleepless nights (I blame the full moon and new teeth)
A stumble upon the St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown while headed to the farmers market.
Dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.
Dinner with Nana and Papa.
Walks in the wagon and longer days.
Flowers galore!
New handmade dish drying mat (finally got to it)!
(Hot!) Spring Gardening days.
Homemade strawberry muffins
A beautiful sunday boiled corn-beef and cabbage dinner, Thank you to Nana and Papa!!! (Sadly, no photos. I was too busy trying to get a wildly excited toddler to eat her food and not throw her food, I’m telling you- full moon! ).
I head to bed tired but happy and hoping that tonight we get some rest.

How was your weekend?

gramma happies

parade 1



the tractors

dada and boo


red red engine




wagon ride


this cute kid




purple hues




new dish drying mat


DSC_0336coffee and wine


wet clothes


seeds a plantin


mama and ellie plant








strawberry muffins


char wants some

– Joining Amanda over at The Habit!