Finished projects and Works In Progress

I feel like I have so many projects in the works right now. So many ideas and so little time. This last month though, I sent off an Autumn inspired quilt to a friend in Seattle…
autumn inspired

Check out the wild pumpkin magically growing from the stump!
with critters

I sent off a Where The Wild Things Are Inspired Mat to Alaska.

And I finished a hockey playmat, complete with Kings hockey players for my best friend’s little boy.

I’m working on another farm mat for a friend and then on to some bigger projects, like Jeff’s new quilt (he picked all the fabrics out this weekend).

jeffs quilt

I also did a little mini swap with a local Mama friend of mine. Ellie is very much into the Boo Hoo Bird and Grumpy Bird books lately. My Mama friend made a set of Grumpy Bird felt characters for her son that turned out so adorable and amazing. I knew I wouldn’t be able to replicate what she did. So we bartered for goods. She made Ellie some incredible felt characters and I made her son a family of peg dolls.

boo hoo bird


grumpy bird

mountain family

It just so happened to be his birthday too so I made him a little satchel of story stones as well. Which I can’t help but share, because I’m so excited how well they came out. He had a camping birthday party and so I thought making him a set of camping story stones would be perfect. I will be making Ellie a set of story stones to be sure!
story stones
Here they are with drawstring bag and with a sealant on top of the watercolor.

story stones with bag

We love our Boo Hoo bird and Grumpy bird felt characters!! I hope her son liked his stones and peg family!